Let it be   1 comment

这次ASHRAE年会,请来了瑞士人Dr. Bertrand Piccard。他实现了人类第一次热气球不间断环球飞行。 在他的演讲Adventure is a State of Mind中,他讲述了他们是怎样实现热气球环球飞行和由此对人生的领悟。非常的精辟,非常有哲理。最后他提到,人生只有20%的事情是可控的,80%的事情都不是我们能掌控的。Since we can not control our society and environment, so let it be! But we can change ourselves.
本来想买一本他的新书《The greatest adventure》,结果晚了一步,被当场抢购一空。
In this metaphor of life, the balloon is prisoner of the air currents, just as man is prisoner of his convictions, problems or fate. But in the same way as a balloon changes altitude to find the currents that will drive it in a new direction, man can rise professionally, psychologically, philosophically or even spiritually, to become responsible for the direction of his life.(Bertrand Piccard)
危机,for the Chinese, a crisis(危机) is as much of an opportunity(机) as a threat(危). (Bertrand Piccard)
Life is scattered with signs of a world beyond awareness. (Bertrand Piccard)
Our deep-seated fear of uncertainty and of the unknown is the source of most of our problems. (Bertrand Piccard)
How rich life would be if man could only develop with himself the tools to get out of rut of daily routine.(Bertrand Piccard).

Posted 2007年07月4日 by zuowangda in 普渡印象

1 responses to “Let it be

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  1. 控制好能控制的20%已经是了不起的人了。呵呵。。
